Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Keep the dream alive—
It has a moving life
toward birth and realization
toward breathing and waking
to a sunlit path we’re walking
not certain where it leads.

Keep the dream alive—
It fulfills a deeper need
a creative spirit calling
a creature who is falling
for the art of living
for the fact of dying.

She keeps the dream alive
to remind her that she is
and shapes and molds the images
the walls and ceilings limitless
doors and windows flung wide
to welcome all inside.

Claudia Lowery
January 19, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Just a note to say that the above photo was taken early one morning last week. It has not been enhanced in any way. This is exactly how God painted the sky. Incredible!

Friday, January 9, 2009


Three o'clock moon
you bared a pale shoulder
this afternoon.
Swelling or shrinking
with each highway mile,
your demure fullness
makes me smile.
Luna, Luna--
your beauty mystifies
and draws us near
like some Rubenesque siren
needing adoration.
Luna, Luna--
you are loved.

Claudia Lowery
January 8, 2009