Sunday, January 10, 2010



The gentle ribbon-like flock
of homebound birds
cross a midday sky and quarter moon.
Unfurled and curled, V-shaped and winged
they migrate toward a better place
and I go with them
for momentary heart-flight—
a soaring thing
with lift and current,
moving me in golden light
in heavenward destination
as I, earthbound,
roll beneath their distant feathered arms.

Claudia Lowery
Fall 2009

(…watching him watch her)

There was that curl to the lip
he had that made her swoon,
forgetting who she was.
A swaggering, self-assured
Rhett Butler-of-a-man
whose no-nonsense outlook
attracted and repelled simultaneously.
She’d pretty herself
then make it her business
to catch him snatching glimpses-
the tilt of her head, curve of her hip—
but he was good at discretion,
his eyes melting over her form
like honeyed beeswax.
Through the chess game crowd of pawns
they moved thoughtfully, knight and lady—
circling, circling, enclosing…
then away.

Claudia Lowery
December 2009