Thursday, November 5, 2009


In the long and lonely life
we enter and wait
and watch for moments
of unexpected pleasure, joy.

A touch is fire and smoke
and blaze and always
arouses thoughts that once
turned over and seen are
pondered and left
behind for another day.

Without the cold and dark
there is no warmth and light
so on we walk into the days
set out before us to question
each and every thing
we’ve wasted time upon.

Wandering, turning left
then right the anticipation
greets and enters us into
a world that draws out
some sleeping dragon’s
thoughts, desires to be
laid down in pigment, dust
and form.

Awake, oh sleeping one,
and fill with curling soft
and fiery breathe every void
that seeks a lighted path
for this is now and now
is passing quickly and is

Claudia Lowery
November 5, 2009

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