Tuesday, November 18, 2008


We request immortal remembrance
to withstand being forgotten
and lost to time.
Something in us calls out
for legacy,
and forward thought.
What could we do
to cinch the deal and cause someone
to say with fondness
“I remember when she..”
“He once was..”
“They were very…” ?
The fact of history
and wishing to last
will drive us on with unfulfilled,
unsettled dreams
and still we dance to a faint
unheard tune that lures us on
into some fog that no one can see
quite through.

Claudia Lowery
November 18, 2008


Claudia Lowery said...

I debated on whether or not to allow the publication of the Comment made by Anonymous. "worst thing I've ever read. stop being so preachy and change the format of your work for once, they're all crap so maybe a change might prevent you from being so depressingly inept." I decided to go ahead because people are entitled to their opinion, regardless. I've never pretended to be the next great writer, but I write what I feel and experience...and believe me, some of it has been crap. However, as an artist I made a decision that if it makes me happy, if it expresses what I intend, then the artform is for my benefit. If someone else likes it or dislikes it...so be it. Interesting though that Anonymous has apparantly read ALL my writing, hence "they're all crap" so something is causing them to come here and read. Maybe I can attain their high standard someday....or maybe they'll read elsewhere and miss my moment of greatness. :)

Johnofthecross said...

I can't believe anyone would offer this type of remark anonymously and/or for critic. One has the right to write or create as one wills. You (anonymous), on the other hand, must be a Pulitzer Prize winner to offer such a mean comment without a mention of where your fine poetry can be found.