Sunday, November 22, 2009


“Tucker’s Starry Night” was small and broken clay
painted blues with green and gold, swirled and loose and free.
His efforts with a lump of earth were done with loving care—
Then in wrong hands, was broken. Who would even dare
To touch the heartfelt art of young, creative hands?
It’s difficult to realize that jealously demands
Negative attention, hidden from our view.
What someone meant for evil was soon turned into good.
We carefully removed the parts thoughtlessly left behind—
the broken edges remained, symbolic of the kind
of artist’s life we’re living in a broken, fallen world
But in the Master Artist’s hands new beauty is unfurled.
Re-created with new purpose and placed for all to see
Upon a tiny easel, a little gift for me.
“Tucker’s Starry Night” became a masterpiece that day
Reminding me from start to end we’re all just mortal clay.

Claudia Lowery
November 18, 2009

Tucker Barton is a fifth grade art student of mine. He made a little dish from leftover clay after his regular work was done. He painted it very carefully in a style similar to Van Gogh’s Starry Night. When finished he said, “There, I’m stopping because it’s perfect!” As it sat on his desk drying, someone broke off one side as he was cleaning up at the sink. Tucker was heartbroken. However, I told him to let me think about it and we’d do something with it. Two days later he asked what we were going to do and I said, “Do you trust me? I’m going to break it some more.” He said, “Yes,” and I proceeded to break off the rest of the edges, leaving a flat surface with his “Van Gogh”-styled design intact. We gave it a coat of Mod Podge and he signed it. Now it sits on a little easel on my desk. I like it even better than before. What a great message there is in the small things in life…God is re-creating us daily….and I am very thankful for that.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


After the rain comes growth. It may not look like what we expected, but in it an unexpected and odd beauty.
Photos by Claudia Lowery
October 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009


In the long and lonely life
we enter and wait
and watch for moments
of unexpected pleasure, joy.

A touch is fire and smoke
and blaze and always
arouses thoughts that once
turned over and seen are
pondered and left
behind for another day.

Without the cold and dark
there is no warmth and light
so on we walk into the days
set out before us to question
each and every thing
we’ve wasted time upon.

Wandering, turning left
then right the anticipation
greets and enters us into
a world that draws out
some sleeping dragon’s
thoughts, desires to be
laid down in pigment, dust
and form.

Awake, oh sleeping one,
and fill with curling soft
and fiery breathe every void
that seeks a lighted path
for this is now and now
is passing quickly and is

Claudia Lowery
November 5, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009


October roses bloom rare and welcome-
rain-soaked and leaning
they droop top-heavy-
a pale pink reminder
of a fragrant offering given
as autumn unfolds
in cool wetness and colors warm.
And then they sleep in dormant bliss,
breathing out and breathing in
icy northern winds,
siphoning up nutrients through
a path of hungry roots-
the petal's blush
just a season and sunray away.

Claudia Lowery
Ocotber 11, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Rain falls gently now.

Verdant green earth sighs deeply,

Gratefully renewed.

Claudia Lowery
July 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009


My friends visiting the sculpture garden in Longview.

~ Erin's Aura ~
My clay teacher.

My newest Christ head sculpture fresh from the kiln.
More photos will follow in the weeks ahead.
Photos by Claudia Lowery
Jun3 2009

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Welcome to my pottery shed...Gingko Leaf Studio.

A work in progress.

My creative corner.

Wedging table covered in canvas donated by DENOART.

The brightly painted flowers were by
a couple of my sixth graders.

Storage shelves also hold treasures...a tile by Dennis O'Bryant
won at the ArtPort fundraiser in Shreveport, broken pottery,
one of my gingko leaf bowls, and a variety of Jesus pictures
which serve as inspiration for the Christ head series I am
working on.

I have been feeling frustrated for a long time at not having a proper place at home to work on my clay. I go to class one day/week, but when I tried to work at home it was a mess. I basically did a little at school in my art room, but home was where I needed to spread out. Rick finally said I could have a whole building to myself. After cleaning out the space, a friend who is a licensed electrician is wiring it with a plug on every wall plus one for the A/C so desperately needed in East Texas. I threw a piece of clay last night just to initiate the space. I really look forward to having this zone just for creating and escaping. Next project...saving for an electric kiln.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Photo by Claudia Lowery, June 1, 2009

"Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals that the Lord God had made." Genesis 3:1 NIV

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Old storage building soon to be pottery shed.

Good area underneath table for storing clay. Table will be
covered in canvas for wedging clay.

Rick places nails in a random arrangement on a weathered
old board that will be used to hang tools.

Old metal shelf for all my supplies.

Charlotte Munoz came to help paint and also added her
artistic touch.

Charlotte loves trees and so having her add
one of her famous trees was a good idea.
I will add a few golden gingko leaves and
the words "Ginko Leaf Studio" to the outside.
It's all for fun and mostly for my eyes since
we live on a road with no outlet.

Once I got the word that one of our storage buildings could be all mine, the wheels (mental and pottery) began to turn. Here are a few prelimenary shots of my newest project...a pottery shed. More photos as it progresses. Thank you, Charlotte, for painting me a tree. I could have done it, but I really wanted her spirit to be included in this project as will be so many other artists' before it is all finished. I have a special connection to the gingko leaf, therefore the name of my little shed will be Gingko Leaf Studio. Inside will be a pottery wheel, shelves, a wedging table, room for storage and artwork all over the walls to remind me of friends and students. The electrician will be out in about a week and then a small A/C unit and I should be able to withstand anything Texas heat can deal out. I think it will be a haven.

There was a shift in her-
breaking, discarding, renovating.
She began to dream
and ponder with renewed
sense of wonder her world
ajar and raw.

Claudia Lowery

MAY 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009


gingko leaf in my yard

outside the visual arts center

iris close-up

back door gardenia, digitally enhanced

back door gardenia soaked by rain, translucent

dogwood blossoms under the eave

look closely everywhere...don't miss a thing...

Saturday, March 14, 2009


I experimented with wrapping copper wire around a bowl glazed in clear and then had my clay class friends raku it for me. Very pleased with the results.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Keep the dream alive—
It has a moving life
toward birth and realization
toward breathing and waking
to a sunlit path we’re walking
not certain where it leads.

Keep the dream alive—
It fulfills a deeper need
a creative spirit calling
a creature who is falling
for the art of living
for the fact of dying.

She keeps the dream alive
to remind her that she is
and shapes and molds the images
the walls and ceilings limitless
doors and windows flung wide
to welcome all inside.

Claudia Lowery
January 19, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Just a note to say that the above photo was taken early one morning last week. It has not been enhanced in any way. This is exactly how God painted the sky. Incredible!

Friday, January 9, 2009


Three o'clock moon
you bared a pale shoulder
this afternoon.
Swelling or shrinking
with each highway mile,
your demure fullness
makes me smile.
Luna, Luna--
your beauty mystifies
and draws us near
like some Rubenesque siren
needing adoration.
Luna, Luna--
you are loved.

Claudia Lowery
January 8, 2009